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SnoopDos 3.2 -- Source Code Roadmap
Copyright © Eddy Carroll, September 1994. Freely distributable.
Updated by Luca Longone and Massimo Tantignone in January 2000.
Updated again by Grzegorz Chmie and Thomas Richter in March 2000.
References to PGP in the following text are not applicable to
SnoopDos versions greater than 3.0. If you need authentication,
please write to one of the following e-mail addresses:
llong@tin.it, hexaae@tiscalinet.it (Luca Longone)
tanti@intercom.it (Massimo Tantignone)
ecarroll@iol.ie (Eddy Carroll)
What follows is the original roadmap text for SnoopDos 3.0,
which is also valid for the 3.1 update.
The SnoopDos 3.1 release has been reworked again, you may
contact thor@math.tu-berlin.de (Thomas Richter) for additional
informations or authentication.
The SnoopDos AppIcon fix was proposed by Grzegorz Chmiel
<gchmiel@pnet.pl> and has been integrated into the sources.
Thank goes to Eddy Carroll for allowing me to redistribute the
The sources remained greatly unmodified except some minor fixes.
- The patch codes check now explicitly whether the main window
layer is available as some gfx calls temporarely set
RastPort->Layer to NULL before proceeding. This caused some
frequent enforcer hits in the past.
- The AppIcon code copied the gadget data manually from the
disk icon to a temporarly dummy icon. This does not work for
"newicons" because they store the image in the tooltypes.
(Wierd stuff anyhow...) Thanks, Grzegorz!
- DeleteExtIO() and CreateExtIO() have been replaced by
DeleteIORequest() and CreateIORequest().
- The header snoopdos.h was enhanced to include all the prototypes
of functions exported amongst modules. This was necessary for
the next step.
- The program was recompiled using SAS/C 6.58, and using
registerized parameters, making the binary shorter and decreasing
stack usage.
- I decided to replace the SAS/C startup code by my own code
which is a bit smarter and shorter. The makefile still includes
the old LIB:c.o startup, though. It should be possible to
compile the program right away with the new makefile, just
setup an assign "SD:" for a backup directory where the final
files should be copied to.
- Replaced one bogus call to KPrintf() by the DB() macro.
- Linking with amiga.lib and debug.lib is no longer required for
the final clean version.
- Added a "make clean" rule for the makefile.
- Added a "Project-Startup" file which will build a project
directory, copy the file from a backup location to a working
directory and sets up all the assigns used in the makefile.
SnoopDos was written using SAS/C 6.51. The Amiga programming community
owe a large debt of thanks to Doug Walker, Steve Krueger, Jim Cooper,
and everyone else at SAS Institute for providing such a useful and
stable development environment. Without SAS/C, development of SnoopDos
would have taken significantly longer.
If you have SAS/C, then you should be able to recompile SnoopDos with
no problems by simply typing "smake" in this directory. You might want
to turn off optimisation in the SCOPTIONS file if you are experimenting;
otherwise, prepare for a long wait.
If you are using DICE or another compiler, you will need to ensure that
you are using similar compiler options to those listed in SCOPTIONS. You
will also need to change the function prototypes in patches.h and perhaps
in patches.c. A future release may detect DICE automatically and do the
right thing.
In general, most files have an initialisation function and all have a
cleanup function. The initialisation function should be called at the
beginning of the code and the cleanup function at the end. All cleanup
functions are safe to call multiple times if necessary.
Note that all the source code has been formatted with a tab setting of
4 spaces. If your editor uses tabs set to some other width, then it is
strongly recommended that you run the code through Detab or a similar
utility, otherwise it will look a mess.
Here's a summary of the different files and what they are used for:
system.h Master include file for all system headers
system.c Includes system.h -- used to create the GST file
snoopdos.h Defines all program globals, structures, constants, protos
snoopdos.c Top level module. Initialises and cleans up other modules
buffer.c Allocates and formats events in the event buffer
language.c Makes localised text strings available to other modules
snooptext.h Master message include file used by all modules
patches.c All the patch code inserted into system libraries
patches.h Header file that prototypes all the patched functions
patchcode.s Low-level assembly code used by patch mechanism
settings.c Handles the command line interface to SnoopDos
gui.h Constants which define the exact appearance of the GUI
mainwin.c All functions relating to the main window
subwin.c All functions relating to the other three windows
miscwin.c Miscellaneous window and screen functions used everywhere
hotkey.c Handles commodity interface + Workbench AppIcon/Toolmenu
icon.h Image data for custom SnoopDos icon (from IconEdit)
snooptext.cd SnoopDos catalog description file, for localisation
snooptext.ct Example SnoopDos translation file, for localisation
testcalls.c Separate utility to stress test the SnoopDos patch code.
Here's a more detailed look at the contents of each module. See the module
itself for full details.
System.h is the master include file for all Amiga system includes. Any
system include used by any module is placed in here. The entire set of
includes is then precompiled into a SAS/C GST file, which greatly speeds
up compilation.
System.c is the file used to generate the GST -- it simply includes
the System.h header file.
SnoopDos.h is included by all other modules. It defines all the global
variables, structures, and prototypes used by SnoopDos. It also includes
the default program settings. Global variables with initial values are
defined when this file is included by SnoopDos.c, and declared when it's
included by other modules. Thus, if you change the initial value of
any global variables, SnoopDos.c must be recompiled (the makefile does
this automatically).
SnoopDos.c is the top level module. It opens all the necessary libraries,
and calls the initialisation routines of most of the other modules. It is
also responsible for keeping the global program settings up to date. The
most important functions are:
Cleanup() Calls cleanup function of each module and exits
OpenLibs() Opens all libraries needed by SnoopDos
mysprintf() Re-entrant version of sprintf() library function
InstallSettings() Updates subset of global settings with new values
MainLoop() Waits for incoming events and dispatches them
main() Entry point for whole program.
Buffer.c contains all the functions that deal directly with the SnoopDos
event buffer. An "event" contains all the information needed to create a
single line of output in the SnoopDos window. Here are the most important
InitBuffer() Must be called at start of program
CleanupBuffers() Called when program exits
SetTotalBufferSize() Changes buffer size (allocating one if needed)
ClearBuffer() Empties buffer contents
GetNewEvent() Allocates space for a new event
ParseFormatString() Converts "%d %s %p" into an internal format
BuildFormatString() Converts internal format back to ascii string
FormatEvent() Creates a formatted output line from an event
UnderlineTitles() Creates an underline string for current titles
CheckSegTracker() Called regularly to see if SegTracker is loaded
Language.c deals with all the text strings used by SnoopDos. Specifically,
it identifies the users locale and decides whether to use the strings
hard-coded in the executable, or to read them from an external catalog
file instead. The main functions are:
InitTextTable() Called first. Creates default (english) string table
InitLocale() Checks for external catalog files
CleanupLocale() Frees any resources used by localisation
Snooptext.h is generated automatically from SnoopText.cd by Commodore's
CATCOMP utility. It defines a unique numeric identifier for each string,
and (when included by language.c) the strings themselves. It should never
be edited by hand. It's included in the archive for the convenience of
those who don't have CatComp.
Patches.c is the backbone of SnoopDos -- it contains all the patch
routines that intercept calls made by other programs to various system
functions. Most of the functions in this file must be completely
re-entrant, since they can be called by many processes simultaneously.
The most important functions are:
InitPatches() Initialises the memory-resident patch code
UpdatePatches() Attempts to install or remove all patches as needed
LoadFuncSettings() Updates patches to reflect function settings
CleanupPatches() Removes all patches (waiting until it's safe)
UpdateDeviceList() Builds list of currently mounted DOS devices
InitRamLibPatch() Fixes a bug in ramlib that can crash SnoopDos
BackgroundProcCode() Background task for pattern matching/name expansion
SetPattern() Parses the current AmigaDOS task match pattern
CreateEvent() Creates a new event, filling in various fields
HandlePaused() Puts a task to sleep when Pause is enabled
JumpOrigFunc() A macro that exits by calling the original function
Patches.h contains the prototypes for all the functions that are patched.
Each prototype defines the registers passed, along with a base register
in A6. The LVO offsets for each function are also defined here.
Patchcode.s contains the low-level assembly language patch code which is
used for each function. The same piece of code is copied multiple times
to create a unique patch for each function. Whenever any changes are
made to this code, or to the Patch structure which contains the code and
associated data, then the corresponding structure in Patches.c must be
updated. In addition, if the stack alignment on entry to the C patches
changes, the JumpOrigFunc() and MarkCallAddr macros must be adjusted.
Settings.c controls all the program settings. This includes loading and
saving settings files to disk, parsing the Workbench and CLI startup
options, and handling the ARexx interface. The important functions are:
InitSettings() Initialises command name table
ParseCommand() Syntax checks a SnoopDos command line
ExecCommand() Executes a SnoopDos command line
SaveConfig() Writes current settings to a command file
LoadConfig() Executes all the commands in a command file
SendRemote() Sends a command to a background copy of SnoopDos
ShowCommands() Prints a formatted list of SnoopDos commands
ParseStartupOpts() Parses Workbench and CLI startup options
InitRexxPort() Initialises ARexx port
CleanupRexxPort() Frees ARexx port
HandleRexxMsgs() Handles incoming ARexx messages
Gui.h file defines constants which relate to the SnoopDos GUI. These
are mainly used to finetune the gadget layout but also include a few
keyboard-related definitions. This file is included by MAINWIN.C,
Mainwin.c handles everything associated with the main window. It has
grown too large and should really be subdivided (again). Here are the
most important functions in the file:
CheckForScreen() Locates current screen (locking if necessary)
ShowSnoopDos() Opens SnoopDos window on the current screen
HideSnoopDos() Closes main window, help and any other windows
OpenMainWindow() Opens main window
CreateScrollGadgets() Creates BOOPSI scroll gadgets for main window
CreateMainGadgets() Creates gadtools gadgets for main window
CloseMainWindow() Closes main window
CleanupMainWindow() Frees all resources for main window
ReOpenMainWindow() Closes and then opens main window
RecordWindowSizes() Records sizes of all open windows
SetMainHideState() Enables/disables Hide gadget and window title
InitMenus() Initialises shortcut keys for localised menus
SetMenuOptions() Updates boolean menu options with current settings
HandleMainMsgs() Handles menu, gadget and keypress input
HandleNewEvents() Outputs any new events to the main window
SetMonitorMode() Sets monitor mode to normal, Paused or Disabled
RedrawMainWindow() Draws everything in main window except gadgets
DrawHeaderLine() Draws headerline at top of screen
ShowBuffer() Redraws the main window buffer
DrawSelectedLine() Highlights a single line in the buffer
ClearWindowBuffer() Erases window buffer display
ScrollHorizontal() Efficiently scrolls window contents to left/right
UpdateMainHScroll() Updates horizontal scroll gadget to current offset
UpdateMainVScroll() Updates vertical scroll gadget to current position
ShowStatus() Displays a message in the status bar
UpdateStatus() Displays status message reflecting current state
OpenLog() Opens a new logfile
WriteLog() Writes some text to the logfile
CloseLog() Closes the current logfile
SaveBuffer() Saves current buffer contents to file/clipboard
SetLogGadget() Selects appropriate wording for log gadget
Subwin.c contains all the functions needed to manage the format editor,
settings window and function window. The most important functions are:
CleanupSubWindow() Closes all currently open windows
OpenSettingsWindow() Opens settings window
CloseSettingsWindow() Closes the settings window
CreateSettingsGadgets() Creates font-sensitive gadgets for window
HandleSettingsMsgs() Handles keyboard and gadget input
OpenFunctionWindow() Opens function window and creates gagdets
CreateFunctionGadgets() Creates font-sensitive gadgets for window
CloseFunctionWindow() Closes the functions window
HandleFuncMsgs() Handles keyboard and gadget input
ResetFuncToSelected() Handles the "All/None/Selected" function gadgets
ShowFuncOpts() Updates display of current function settings
GetFuncName() Returns a name matching a function ID
OpenFormatWindow() Creates the format editor window and gadgets
CloseFormatWindow() Closes the format editor window
CreateFormatGadgets() Creates font-sensitive gadgets for window
HandleFormatMsgs() Handles gadget and keyboard input
InstallNewFormat() Updates all windows to reflect a new format
CreateBob() Creates a new BOB (Blitter OBject)
FreeBob() Frees a BOB created earlier
PickupBob() Copies a text line into a BOB for Drag & Drop
DropBob() Drops the text line in a new position
UpdateBob() Moves BOB to a new osition
Miscwin.c contains a variety of functions related to the GUI that don't
conveniently fit anywhere else. As well as general screen and window
functions, it also handles the AmigaGuide interface, and creates the
custom images used for the file/font gadgets in the settings window.
InitFonts() Initialises fonts according to system preferences
SetupScreen() Locates a screen for SnoopDos to open on
CleanupScreen() Frees misc info related to current screen
ShowError() Displays an error requester
GetResponse() Displays a requester with multiple choices
SelectFont() Displays ASL font requester to get a font
SelectFile() Displays ASL file requester to get a file name
AddKeyShortcut() Update keyboard shortcuts array for a window
MyOpenFont() Tries to open a font, from disk or from ROM
ConvertIMsgToChar() Converts an IntuiMsg RAWKEY event to ascii
ShowAGuide() Loads AmigaGuide and displays a help page
CleanupAGuide() Shuts down AmigaGuide
HandleAGuideMsgs() Handles incoming messages from AmigaGuide
CreateCustomImage() Creates a new scaled file or font image
FreeCustomImage() Frees an image allocated earlier
ShowGadget() Presses or releases a button gadget
Hotkey.c contains functions to handle commodity support, and interfacing
with Workbench (for AppIcon and ToolMenu support). It also deals with
icons. The important functions are:
InstallHotKey() Installs commodity hotkey, initialising if needed
CleanupHotKey() Shuts down commodity exchange support
HandleHotKeyMsgs() Handles incoming msgs from commodity exchange
GetProgramIcon() Finds (or creates) the SnoopDos program icon
WriteIcon() Writes current icon to disk
CleanupIcons() Frees any icons allocated earlier
AddProgramToWorkbench() Creates an AppIcon or Tools menu entry
RemoveProgramFromWorkbench() Removes any outstanding appicons/menu items
HandleWorkbenchMsgs() Handles incoming msgs from Workbench
Icon.h contains the image data for the image used when writing icons to
disk if no icon could be found for the SnoopDos executable. This is
generated directly from IconEdit (set the SRC=YES tooltype), and has a
30 line header that does a few #define's to isolate IconEdit-dependent
variable names from the rest of the program.
SnoopText.cd is the localisation file for SnoopDos. It contains all the
messages used throughout the program. This file is compiled by Commodore's
CatComp utility to provide SNOOPTEXT.H which is then included by all
other modules. Thus, modifying SnoopText.cd requires that everything be
recompiled from scratch.
SnoopText.ct is a ready-to-go translation file which can be used with
CatComp to produce an external catalog file for use with SnoopDos. It
was generated automatically from SnoopText.cd using CatEdit by Rafael
D'Halleweyn and is included for the convenience of those who don't have
CatEdit to hand.
This is a completely separate program. It was written to provide a means
of stress testing SnoopDos. It is not complete, hence it is not part
of the main SnoopDos program archive. Currently, it supports all of the
system functions and a few DOS functions.
It can be instructed to continuously call one or more of the functions
monitored by SnoopDos. Many subtle bugs were uncovered by running this
multiple times simultaneously.
You may freely use portions of the SnoopDos source code in your own programs
if you wish. However, if you use two or more complete functions from the
SnoopDos code, you must acknowledge the origin of those functions in your
documentation and source code.
You may modify the SnoopDos source code to create new versions of SnoopDos
for your own use only. You may not redistribute such new versions without my
explicit permission.
For additional information about the source code or algorithms used, you
can contact me at:
To obtain a copy of my PGP public key (used to authenticate distribution
copies of SnoopDos 3.0 and above) send a message to ecarroll@maths.tcd.ie
with the subject line "PGPKEY".